Works to improve the functionality and safety of four campus tennis courts is nearing completion.
The project, which is being carried out by ANU Facilities and Services Division, will improve playing surfaces and lighting systems, and repair and modify perimeter fencing.
As part of the upgrade, access-control gates will be installed at the Willows Oval, South Oval, Mills Road and Old Canberra House courts. Once operational, access to the courts will be via staff or student swipe cards. Users will not need to modify or re-program cards to gain access.
“The new access control system will enable the University to better manage the tennis court facilities by restricting unauthorised use and ensuring access for people who book the tennis courts,” Facilities and Services Project Manager Jeff Albrecht said.
“Bookings to use the tennis courts should be made through ANU Sport by calling 6125 2273.”
The access-control gates and higher perimeter fencing will prevent the courts from being damaged, Mr Albrecht said.
“It is particularly important to control access to Willows Oval because this facility is in high demand, and there have been instances where inappropriate use has resulted in damage to the playing surface,” he said.
In addition to the tennis court upgrade, four new outdoor exercise stations have been installed in a circuit adjacent to Sullivans Creek, complementing a pre-existing station at South Oval.
The new exercise stations are located at Willows Oval, the southern side of the Arts Centre, Fellows Oval and at the corner of Fellows and Sullivans Creek Roads.
“The equipment can be used in isolation or as a continuous circuit, running or walking between each station,” Mr Albrecht said.
“Instructional signage has been installed at each station and a campus map shows the location of other exercise stations.
“There are stretching stations located at Willows Oval and South Oval, so the circuit can be completed in either direction.”